The Nature Vs. Nurture

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One of the oldest debates in the history of psychology is The Nature VS. Nurture debate. This argument consists of two sides. One side believes that a person’s development is composed from DNA while the other side believes that development is influenced by experience and environment. Studies have shown that both the nature and nurture side, being DNA and environment, contribute to a person’s overall character and being.
My theory is that we are influenced more so through environment and experiences (nurture). It is known that DNA and environment both contribute to someone’s overall being but for choosing purposes of just one side, I would veto nature and proceed with nurture being the largest contributor to a person. In a physical sense, we look like our parents because we share the same DNA. But in a personal sense on a deeper level, is it DNA and genetic pool that makes us who we are or is it the way we are raised?
Nature. Children inherit many physical features from their parents as expected such as hair color and height. But how do personality traits and behavior—qualities that go past physical appearance—influence children through genetics? …show more content…

The second side of the debate is the Nurturing side. This side argues that who someone becomes is based on experiences in life and the environment in which one is raised in. I, for one, find that my siblings and I are extremely similar. We grew up in the same home under the same circumstances, all around the same time. We share the same background and culture that have been huge developing traits in our lives. Even though we are all unique individuals, we seem to be more alike than different. We share many of the same morals and values but enjoy different subjects and hobbies more or less than the next. We have all experienced different occurrences in life and responded in different ways. Small ways in which we have spent time apart include being in different math classes and by being on different sports

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