My Personal Statement and Background Story

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Every person has a background story which is so critical; it reveals their identity and shows the infrastructure of their personality. The story of my life, the transitions I went through, from being a low self-esteemed, football obsessed child, who had no sense of responsibility or commitment into the person I am today. “Money brings it all” was what I thought; “Money can do anything” was what I said. Afterwards, realizing that money is not a gauge of success woke me up. Growing up in a middle-class family certainly had its advantages, fortunately what I lacked money could not buy. When I look back on my self a few years ago I can only see an innocent boy, who did not appreciate what he had nor understand his true potential. The story started at Eureka, Kuwait’s famous electronics shop. I worked as a junior salesman during the holy month of Ramadan. Keeping focused was demanding, especially when working for 6 continuous hours while you are fasting. Respect to many less privileged individuals grew massively from that moment onwards. My work experience in Eureka ignited a sens...

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