My Observances On Bullying

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My Observances on Bullying My life growing up consisted in living in a very privileged neighborhood located in a Birmingham, Alabama suburb called Mountain Brook. We were known as the rich kids with the nice cars and the kid’s whose parents were either doctors or lawyers. I am not saying this is not true, but this is not all that we were. We were proud of our family heritage and the area of town we grew up in. Most of the families living in Mountain Brook had families that have been in Birmingham or Alabama for a more than two generations, like mine. My dad’s family has been in Birmingham since 1908. Since we are so proud of our families and we went to one of the top schools in Alabama. We did not find the need to bully others in order to put …show more content…

Which is not really that big of a deal unless you are one then that is another story. No one at my school was ever specifically targeted for bullying. There was one incident when I was a junior in high school were a guy had slept with someone’s girlfriend and the girl’s boyfriend found out about it the next day and before classes that day he punched the guy in the nose in the central area of the school where everyone saw it happen. Since the guy who got punched did not fight back, the only person who got in trouble was the guy who punched the other kid. The school took action and sent him to alternative school for a couple weeks. This was not necessarily bullying because it was a one-time …show more content…

They had something my public school did not have which was an Honor Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct stated “no stealing, no lying, and no cheating.” Which was heavily enforced. The school was grades 5th through 12th and there were around 400 students. My first year there, there were only 12 people in my grade so it was kind of hard to keep anything you did to yourself. Around 7th grade we got more people and our class size had quadrupled to around 50 people. Which was the biggest class size at Altamont. This is when people started getting mean and way too invasive of personal space. There were not really any cliques because of the smallness of the class. But whenever a new person came to the school people would be nice to them for a few weeks and then the new person would find their place or not. Since the grade was so small everybody knew everybody’s business. There was one girl in my grade whose name I will not say. She tried to start a fight with someone everyday whether it be over something logical or not she liked to fight. I do not know if Altamont had laws against bullying when I was there because even though it was a very good school I can not remember if they ever did anything with the girl and her bullying besides taking her into the office and talking to her. Since we were still considered to be in lower school we could not get detention yet. She never messed with me because

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