My Marriage and My Family

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At no point in life can you be perfect at anything, but you can prepare yourself for the adventures of life. One of life’s biggest challenges is marriage. Marriage requires preparation emotionally and spiritually. Marriage is considered to be one of the hardest aspects of life to control. Merging two different customary lifestyles into one can be difficult especially since the feelings of both are involved. I have learned both the numerous ways to destroy and build a successful marriage. Marriage is the union of man and woman becoming as one flesh according to God’s law and the law of the land. I got married on October 29, 1988. I was twenty-six years of age and I was ready to settle down after being on the dating scene for several years while in the military. I had traveled to several different states and overseas twice during this time. The dating scene was fun, but at some point most people want that special someone in your life you can count on is there during the good and bad times. When you become involved with someone through marriage the commitment of love should be present. Age does not determine your level of maturity. Although I was twenty-six years old at the time I got married, I did not have a firm grasp on what it took to build a successful marriage. I was the seventh of eight children born in my family; unfortunately, I did not get any counseling or advice from my father or mother about marriage about some things I would experience and what it will take to build a successful marriage and family. I was raised in a two parent home; I learned a good work ethic from my father as the head of the household. My mother was the person who took care of the home and worked outside the home. So I took from my own expe... ... middle of paper ... ...ilitary, we really dated from a distance and did not spend the quality time to get to learn about each other. We both were young and there is no handbook to guide you through every situation you will encounter. I can safely state that infidelity has no place in the life of a married couple. A committed relationship should be what it is, a commitment of respect. Respect is showing love, when you love someone you protect them from hurt. It gives comfort to the heart to be with someone who respects you. I gained confidence through being faithful to my marriage and putting my focus on one family. A husband and wife should build each up not tear each other down. I have come to believe and stand by the word of God in my marriage and not a day goes by that I do not appreciate my children and especially my wife for treating me as a man I have grown to be.

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