My Life from Fourth Grade to Seventh Grade

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My life from fourth to seventh grade so far has been great! I started going to public school, playing sports, and making lots of new friends. It all started at the beginning of fourth grade…
The night before my first day of school in fourth grade was literally my first night before school. I had been homeschooled my entire life and was excited to be able to finally see what school was like. My teacher was Mrs. Holmes, she was one of the nicest teachers I have ever had. This was also the year that I started playing sports. I took Softball, Basketball, and Dance. My best friends came to be Brinlee, Baylee, Oaklee, Megan, Myka, and Lindsey. These were my best friends all through elementary.
In fifth grade the next year, I got Mrs. Holmes again along with Mrs. Smith as my teachers. Mrs. Holmes and her husband had just adopted the baby they had been waiting for; because of this, we had a really grumpy and rude sub every other week for the first half of the year that would punish us left and right for nothing. It was catastrophic! I don’t remember her name, but her name is really not wo...

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