Reflective Essay On My Family

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Introduction Living in a small town has impacted my growth of culture and diversity. I have not been exposed to different cultures to help shape my personality. Attending college has helped me grow, recognize different cultures, and adapt to the differences. My culture was taught to me by my parents. My family has instilled qualities in me that I will be able to teach my future generations some day. Family Composition My family is made up of my two parents and brother. My parents are young, both at the age of 40. My younger brother is 16 which I find to be a considerable age gap between us, but it has never stopped us from being close; we have been best friends since he was born. My immediate family of the four of us is small, but my extended family is …show more content…

My family history began when my great grandfather’s parents came to the United States from Germany and settled in Minnesota. He married my great grandmother, whose mother came from Canada. She was a French-Canadian and together they settled in Duluth, MN. Although there is not much diversity throughout our family, I have always been taught to respect and treat others as equals. I never realized people were different than me because my parents did a very good job in instilling equality in me. When I was in kindergarten, I had a friend from Indiana named Katrina, who I am still friends with today. I came home from kindergarten to tell my parents about my new friend. I mentioned how beautiful and ‘tan’ she was. I was so young that I did not grasp nor understand there was a difference between us. I thought of us as equal and just saw her as my best friend. As I approached an older age, I was told people were different than me. I was taught that there was a difference besides the color of my skin. This did not impact me though, I continued to be friends with Katrina and think of her as an

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