My Classroom Reflection

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Every classroom is filled with different students and different ways of learning. No two function the same. Therefore, as a teacher, you must create your own learning atmosphere. In my classroom, I hope to have a rich learning environment that corresponds to children of any race and cultural, those who are English Language learners (ELLs) and students with special needs. Furthermore, my classroom should also be a place of collaboration between the teacher and family. Building this strong relationship is important for everyone in the classroom. Today, the makeup of race in schools in the US is about 54% White Non-Hispanic, 14% Black, and 23% Hispanic (Amatea, 2009). These statics change dramatically from 1980. They are said to change greatly again by 2050. White/Non-Hispanics will decrease to 38%, and Hispanic is said to increase to 38% (Amatea, 2009). These changing demographics show how diverse racially the population …show more content…

By using the collaboration paradigm in my classroom, I will have parent involvement in the classroom as a top priority. Different cultures have different traditions, behaviors, and respect. For example, Culturally Responsive Teaching is vitally important in a classroom so that students of different backgrounds and races are not misunderstood and given a negative label. Certain values that are practiced at home, may be disregarded in the mainstream classrooms. A standard from a pedagogy that culturally responsive teachers learn is, “developing langue and literacy competence through instruction across the curriculum” ( Amatea, 2009, p. ). This is just one of a few important ways that a teacher can respond to students with diverse backgrounds. Psychologist Lev Vygotsky had a theory that said, “the teacher must recognize and use a child’s existing conceptual repertoire as a bridge of learning new concepts” (Amatea, 2009, p.

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