Logical Behaviorism In Shaun Of The Dead

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The fact that Shaun of the Dead is a horror film is quite obvious, under horror, the film uses one of the many monsters of terror: zombies. The protagonist, Shaun, is a 29-year-old with no real ambition in life, much to the distress of his family, friends, and overly fed-up girlfriend. Having only loyalty from his lazy best friend Ed. But when the flesh-hungry undead begin to rise in numbers in London, Shaun must come to the rescue for his ex-girlfriend and mother before they are mutated. With loyal Ed at his side to watch his back, the two will have to bust their way through the zombie-populated London as Shaun must take on the first real challenge in his life. Unfortunately, Ed is infected at the end of the film but with his life spared, …show more content…

The hypothesis holds that being in a mental state (such as being angry) is the same as being in a physical state. In other words, the mental state is “disposed to act in certain ways in a given circumstance” (Warriner 8, slide 10). According to this theory, Loyal Edgar can be suspected as a ravenous zombie, he aims to bite Shaun when Shaun visits him in the basement. His actions of savagery are bonded to his mental state, which we can say that he behaves like a zombie, therefore he thinks like a zombie. Ed, just like any other zombies out there will attempt to have the act of desire to devour human beings. Edgar’s behaviour as a zombie is equivalent to his mental state of mind. However, after Shaun gave Zombie Edgar a game controller, the zombie no longer attempted to hurt Shaun and they were peacefully playing the video game together. Edgar is able to play video games and not attack Shaun, therefore he does not think fully as a zombie. At this point, we can strive to a conclusion that Zombie Ed is still conscious as a human being. His mental state of mind is able to behave as a human being. Therefore, this theory proves that Ed’s state of mind still exists, but partially …show more content…

I like to point out the fact, in order to behave such a way, your mind does not have to think specifically the same as your behaviour. For instance, just because you declare "I want to go to the Hawaii," does that mean you want to go to the Hawaii? Perhaps you 're being deceptive. We seem to have direct access to our own minds. We don 't need to observe our behavior to know how we 're feeling. Also, we do not have direct access to other’s mental states. If someone shows pain physically or emotionally, does that mean they are really in pain? There is no precise way using this theory to find out. This theory can only be used to prove Edgar’s existence of mental state, but is unable to clearly distinct his thoughts. Based on Zombie Ed’s behaviour, “Is Ed’s mental state the same as he was as a human or does his mind fully function as a

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