What Is Motivation And Motivation?

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Motivation is the act or process of providing a motive that causes a person to take some action (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). Every individual wants something. That 's the whole reason we do work. At times, it can be internal such as the feeling of pride in oneself; other times it can be external such as increased wages; it can even be a combination of both. This is termed as motive or goals. Health care managers need to be aware of motivating factors for each individual employee because according to Buchbinder and Shanks (2012) a motivated and engaged workforce experiences better outcomes and provides an organization with a competitive edge to successfully compete. Furthermore, according to Levoy (2007) employees who are motivated feel invested in the organization, are happier, work harder, are more productive, and typically stay longer with an organization. The more health care managers learn and use these motives and goals as incentives for employees the more productive they become,which intern strengthens the organization. …show more content…

It is mentioned that the main motivating factor for health workers in that area was returning patients to health. The lack of resources like staffing issues and lack of medications was the main cause of frustration. When interviewed, they were even willing to forgo pay increases to improve their working conditions. This finding encourages nonmonetary sources of inspiration and motivation for healthcare professionals in financially strapped healthcare systems, but emphasize the needs for financial support to maintain the motivation. (Campbell, Scott, Madenhire, and Gregson

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