Personal Experience: The Most Tragic Day In My Life

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When I looked in the rearview mirror is when I knew it was all over. June 25, 2013 was the most tragic day in my life. It was not until that day that I realized how much I appreciate my life and my family. I was on the freeway headed towards the Galleria in Houston, TX, passing the tall Texaco building on this bright sunny afternoon, when everything went downhill. I remember seeing all of the cars in front of me have their bright red tail lights on because everyone was coming to a stop. As soon as I slowed down, I looked into my rearview mirror to see a beige car not slowing down at all but instead looking down at his phone texting, it was already too late for me to do anything. I felt as if my life were over and there was nothing anyone could do, I was sixteen years old when I had my first car accident. I learned that I should have stayed home the afternoon I got into my first car accident. That afternoon I remember gripping my steering wheel so tightly because I was so nervous about the car behind me that I could feel all of the ridges and grooves throughout my entire steering wheel and every indention in my steering …show more content…

I learned with that incident that I should never take my life for granted because in one instinct my life could be gone. One major lesson I learned through this experience or accident is that life is way too short to be worried and stressed out all of the time, since I am still young I want to go and have fun but also be safe while having fun. Through this one experience I will never forget that I could have died or I could have gotten more injured than I actually did. I really never thought that much of texting and driving because I would pass by cars, and it would never really affect me but after that one afternoon if I see a person texting and driving, I usually honk my horn or I get as far away as I can from that person. Finally the last major lesson I learned is to never text and

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