Difference Between Utilitarianism And Care Ethics

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Throughout this paper I will argue between Mil (Utilitarianism) and Held (Care Ethics). Mil is a British Philosopher well known for his ethical and political work and Held is an American Feminist and Moral Philosopher. After reading this essay you will have a good view on what Utilitarianism and Care Ethics is and also what my concluding position is. “Utilitarianism is the creed which accepts as the foundations of morals utility of the greatest happiness principle holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.” (Mil, 90). Utilitarianism ethics is based on the greatest good for the greatest number meaning that the moral agent does what he/she thinks will be …show more content…

The moral of Utilitarianism is, “What is going to reduce the most pain?” Also, when dealing with utilitarianism everyone else’s happiness matters meaning that when you do something for someone even though you do not want to do that for he/she you know that the outcome will make them happy and that’s all that matters. Most of the time when you make someone else happy it makes you happy so therefore your happiness counts equally as well. “The Ethics of care is sometimes seen as a potential moral theory to be substituted for such dominant moral theories as Kantian ethics, utilitarianism, or Aristotelian virtue ethics.” (Held, 115). Care Ethics is based on morality with particular others including emotions in particular relationships, in both private and public life. Care Ethics is difficult to define, but has several distinct features. The Top 3 are moral importance of meeting the needs of particular others, values emotion rather than rejecting it and rejects abstract impartiality. Morality includes reasons and …show more content…

Although when dealing with Utilitarianism your own happiness counts equally but it’s the greatest good for the greatest number which doesn’t mean that the majority wins but it’s what is best for all. While Care Ethics mainly focuses on emotions and when dealing with emotion there is no perfect agreement when it comes to emotion because sometimes everyone can end up sad or one can be happy while the other is sad. Care Ethics can be very bias for men and women only because of the difference between them both when dealing with emotions, “Women’s experienced has typically included cultivating special relationships, with family and friends, rather than primarily dealing impartially with strangers, and providing large amounts of caring labor for children and often for ill or elderly family members.” (Held, 118). Therefore when dealing with Care Ethics there is no good outcome because emotions are very hard to deal with especially when yours and others are involved. There are no emotions involved in Utilitarianism and as long as you are producing happiness there will never be a sad moment. For example, if your friends ask you to go somewhere with them and you just know you’re going to be bored because that’s not your type of party but you go anyways just keep your friends happy. I would say that Utilitarianism is better than Care Ethics because there are no emotions involved

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