Modern Metropolis

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Changes shape life, sometimes they make it better, and sometimes they just let it be more intense. People definitely need a good dose of courage to change, especially when an innovation modifies permanently their lives. However, nowadays one can profit by many opportunities in every field, and this, perhaps, make changes inevitable. As an example for that, people can choose between a vast panorama of places where they would like to live and relocate their lives. According to Penelope Trunk’s experience, “Three years ago, I made a decision to move from New York City to Madison, WI based purely on research. I put economic development research together with positive psychology research. Then I combed the Internet for city statistics, and I moved. I had never been to Madison in my life, and you know what? It was a good decision.”(Trunk) However, people reject living country lives surrounded by crops to grow, so more than a half prefers exploring the nature just for vacations. This phenomenon is shown by The Guardian’s statistics, in which a worldwide analysis shows the urban populations’ percentage of 2010. For example, the study has verified that in U.S.A. the 82.3% of the population lives in cities. (Brown)

Consequently, today fundamental issues concern cities, and how they affect people. How do people live in modern cities? How do they live in traditional ones? Modern metropolis and traditional cities are really different from one another. Above all, dividing cities in these two categories can highlight diverse points of view. According to Robert Adam, in an article published by the City Journal, he states: “There is so much about the modern city that is wrong… In traditional cities like Siena in Italy or Bath in England we can...

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...2 April 2012.

9. Modafferi, Antonio “Vivere a Siena” Ammega, Business Solutions June. 2007. Web. 4 April 2012.

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11. Sinatra, Frank. “ New York, New York.” Trilogy: Past Present Future. Frank Sinatra, 1979. CD.

12. R.E.M. “ Leaving New York.” Around the Sun. Warner Bros, 2004. CD.

13. Rosenberg, Jennifer “The Empire State Building” The New York Times Company n.d. Web. 10 April 2012.

14. Suh, Annie “ What makes New York unique” N.E. US Travel Oct. 2008. Web. “ 20 April 2012.

15. Trunk, Penelope “ How to decide where to live “ Penelope Trunk May 2009. Web. 26 April 2012.

16. Unesco “Historic Centre of Siena.” Unesco World Heritage Centre. n.d.

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