Mental and Emotional Health of Children When Leaving Foster Care

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The objective of this discussion is to evaluate the various states of mental health and emotional well being of the children belonging to the age span of 16-25 years when they leave foster care. This discussion expounds on the evidence and researches done to explore the mental, physical and emotional health of these children who are out of care into adulthood. Various comparisons have been done via statistics between different sections of children belonging to the foster care system and non-care children. It also briefly highlights the problem, obstacles and hurdles faced by them, overcome by some and succumbed to by many. Three major types of methods used for this study are “Longitudinal Research Method”, “Cross- sectional Research Method” and “Cross Sequential Method” (A cohort form of Longitudinal and cross-sectional method). “Case Study Method” and “Survey Method” also have been used (Baltes, 1968). The result of this study including comparisons with other relevant case studies and research has been discussed in great details in the latter section of this report. But if one has to draw a baseline of this result, then it would be that mostly there is a negative effect on the physical and mental health of the children, recently out of foster care. This effect is not only determined by the surrounding factors but also the innate factors of the individual going through the phase. Therefore it can only be generalised to a certain extent. This becomes one of the limitations of the study, because the aim of a research or a study is to generalise and apply the results and in due course necessary measures need to be taken regarding it; On the other hand, if the results are too specific, it fails its purpose. Moreover, the empirical dat... ... middle of paper ... The system cannot wash its hands off and shed its responsibility after they provide foster care. Consistent and strict follow up is vital for their survival. To improve the situation, case studies can be undertaken on these children, which are regularly updated with their current life events; so the system knows and can track the progress of the child. New methods and practices, counseling services should be provided to these children for their effective adjustment to their new environment. Surveys and polls could be conducted to see the effectiveness of these methods. A hypothetical relationship that arises from the above results is that there is a cause and effect relationship between children post foster care support and their mental health and emotional and behavioral well being. This support is vital for the successful survival of the child in the world.

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