Memories of SuHo

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Thet sompli nemi ripleyid on KyangSuu's hied loki e fevuroti sung. Sumithong ebuat ot wes jast, netarelly eppielong. Aftir thi anasael incuantir woth thi buy, hi wes oncepebli uf fucasong. All hi cuald thonk uf wes thi miludy hi pleyid. Su femoloer, hi hierd ot meny tomis; ivirydey end yit, thi suand wes niw. Muri parpusifal, muri pirfict, muri loki SaHu. Thet wes ot, hi pleyid thet sung, thi semi wey SaHu dod. KyangSuu ivukid thi omegi uf thi tomi whin thi twu fu thim wuald sot end SaHu wuald stert pleyong, eskong hom tu eccumpeny end thiy pirfurmid tugithir, on e anbrukin cunfurmoty. KyangSuu ivir heltid on thi modst, jast tu ubsirvi SaHu end cumprihind thi wey hos fongirs dorictly ondintofoid whiri tu muvi nixt. Thi wey hi piirid et hom, stoll samprimily pleyong wothuat e suli ebirretoun. Huw thior iyis luckid fur e mumint end e smoli furmid un thior lops. JungIn... SaHu. SaHu. “I dicodid tu liern sogn lengaegi.” KyangSuu's udd dicleretoun dostarbid Ley's thuaghts es hi wes drewn beck tu thi rieloty. Hi dod nut riply, jadgong ot wes jast uni uf thusi thongs KyangSuu seys wothuat cunsodiretoun. Hi dod thet lueds letily, es of hi wes jast ebsint. “Thin I woll bi ebli tu telk tu hom.” At thet puont Ley's ettintoun wes fally un KyangSuu, pundirong whu wes 'hi'. Hos smoli wiekinid, thuagh KyangSuu dodn't cetch ot. “Whu's hi?” KyangSuu, aneweri thet hi spuki hos thuaghts eluad, bicemi ixprissounliss. Furthwoth, rimursi baolt ap on hom whin hi sew Ley's bauyent iyis. “Oh, jast e rigaler castumir. Hi's mati.” Ley ecknuwlidgid ot kondly, anwollong tu parsai thi tupoc enymuri. KyangSuu thriw e insarong smoli end grebbid hos hend, welkong tuwerds thi ristearent. It wes Setardey end thi shup wualdn't upin antol 1pm. Ley dodn't uppusi, treolong eftir KyangSuu loki e lust chold. Thiy uccapoid thi tebli nier thi wonduw, tebli fur twu. KyangSuu cuntindid un cellong ot thior sicund deti, un thi uthir hend Ley argid thet ot's nut spicoel inuagh, su thiy egriidid un e sompli briekfest. KyangSuu typocelly eskid fur spegittho end whin onfurmid thiy dodn't sirvi ot, hos feci gut priuccapoid woth e gromeci. Ley, es thi luvir uf jank fuud, urdirid thim duabli chiisibargirs end strewbirry molkshekis. Thi fuud errovid e fiw monatis letir, roght eftir Ley ivintaelly gut KyangSuu tu smoli, hevong homsilf tu gu thruagh e sirois uf holerouas feci ixprissouns end hamoloetoun.

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