Manipulators in Shakespeare's "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" and "The Tragedy of Othello"

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William Shakespeare made two great plays: The tragedy of Julius Caesar and The tragedy of Othello (The Moor of Venice). In those plays there were methods of manipulation used by one of the characters in each play. Before I go far, allow me to provide you some feedback on both.

Julius Caesar is an exceedingly determined political leader in Rome and his endeavor is to become an autocrat. A soothsayer presaged him that he should “beware the Ides of March.”(1.2.21).The prediction came true and Caesar was assassinated due to the scheming of Marcus, Brutus and Cassius. Caesar’ friend, Antony gave him a great funeral.

On the other hand, Othello is a vastly admired general in the service of Venice. Iago is Othello’s pushy friend. They promoted Othello which made Iago deadly jealous. Iago’s jealousy brought him to an evil and spiteful operation against Othello. Ultimately, Othello became jealous and disbelieving his wife, Desdemona. He informed Iago he will kill his wife in this sentence: “I will withdraw to furnish me with some swift means of death for the fair devil.”(3.3.474) fina...

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