Man's Search For Meaning By Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl

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Man’s Search for Meaning was written by Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. In the book Frankl discusses his time in a Holocaust work camp. He not only gives a vivid description of his own stories but the stories of his patients. Frankl also discusses his personal journey of trying to figure out what his meaning his. His idea of his own meaning went from being a psychiatrist to having a wife and helping his fellow countrymen. He also touches on suffering and how we cannot avoid it because it is all part of the experience of life. His idea was that he would rather suffer and help his fellow countrymen than give in and die. He was one of the lucky few to escape with his life from the Camps and was able to carry on and tell his story and reunite …show more content…

The final topic that I will address for this paper is how both authors talk about what their view is on the question: What is the meaning of life? The theme of faith is strong in both novels. How faith is addressed however is different. Wolpe discusses faith in a few different ways. The first time the topic of faith is examined is Wolpe’s own journey from faith as a child. The reasoning for this journey is that while at a summer camp Wolpe viewed the documentary Night and Fog He thoughts were “ Surely, if there was a God, this would not be permitted” ( Wolpe 3). After some time however Wolpe was able to bring himself back to faith through studying and teaching. Wolpe studied at a school to become a Rabbi. Wolpe goes on to discuss the equation Fear= faith (23). Wolpe touches upon how many times people do-good deeds because of their faith in the hopes that they will get into heaven. Some of the most religious people Wolpe knows are horrible people while some of the non-religious people are some of the best people he knows. Wolpe goes on to say how while he was sick with cancer he prayed, and his prayers were answered. According to Wolpe The way his prayers were answered was not because he lived but “ because I felt better able to cope with my sickness” …show more content…

Frankl suffered during his time in a concentration camp. Frankl thinks that suffering is all part of the experience that someone will have in his or her life. “When a man finds that it is his destiny to suffer, he will have to accept his suffering as his task; his single and unique task. ( 99) No one can relieve you from your suffering, your chance lies in the way that you handle your suffering is Frankl’s idea. Wolpe experienced suffering in a different way. He suffered due to a battle with cancer. Suffering is one of the real things that Wolpe mentions that our lives pivot on. We cannot see suffering sometimes, but at the same time we cannot see God, but that does not mean God does not exist. Suffering exists even though we cannot see it. “ To believe only in what you can see seems a peculiar form of blindness ( Wolpe

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