Lucky Wander Boy by D. B. Weiss

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Video games bring a sense of the reality to most people, especially if you are a hardcore gamer. They bring reality by essentially creating a virtual world that feels as if you are living in the real world. Lucky Wander Boy by D.B. Weiss is transmitting a certain message to a certain audience. The novel is intended to enthrall an audience consisted of video game enthusiasts around their late twenties and thirties. Lucky Wander Boy is sending a message to the audience, the message is experiencing living the real life through a video game; just like they may have experienced before. The book is fundamentally illustrating the thoughts and experiences this group of people might have gone through during the golden age of video game. The book does this by showing us the narrative of Adam Pennyman, the protagonist of the book coping with his struggles through a video game. Video games revive Adams actual life to some extent; without the game he would not find any point in his life because of all the struggles and negativity he has been through. The book Lucky Wander Boy by W.B. Weiss is about a man named Adam Pennyman during the golden age of video games trying to find the perfect game. Throughout the book Adam Pennyman is creating an encyclopedia of every game he has created. The encyclopedia is called Catalogue of Obsolete Entertainments and in it he has referenced video games such as Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Frogger, and many others. The encyclopedia ends up becoming more personal instead of reviewing the games. Later in the novel Adam begins to lose interest in the encyclopedia because he wants to find out how the game, Lucky Wander Boy, that he played for hours on end as a kid ended. Adam eventually ends up getting a job as a copywrite...

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...s and that is why many of them might correspond with this book. Lucky Wander Boy is sending a message to the audience, and the message is that gamers experience their real life through video games in order to cope with their reality; just like they may have experienced before. The book is fundamentally illustrating the thoughts and experiences this group of people might have gone through during the golden age of video game. The book does this by showing us the narrative of Adam Pennyman, the protagonist of the book. The video game in Lucky Wander Boy is a reflection of his life and it helps Adam cope with the struggles he is having in his life. Without video games Adam would not be as insane, but I believe that he would also be in a much more depressed life. Video games essentially revive Adams actual life; without the game he would not find any point to his life.

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