Happiness Vs Happiness

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The issue analyzed by this paper is whether people should move in together before marriage. For example my boyfriend and I have talked about moving in together even though we aren’t married yet. I wonder this because I would like to move in with my boyfriend before marriage, however in my family living with your significant other before marriage is not acceptable. Bentham argues his general theory about calculating happiness he writes “nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure” (Bentham 70) This means that his theory for calculating happiness is based on how much pleasure is given by a particular act. Pleasure is defined as a feeling of happiness or satisfaction. The origin of pleasure is from the Middle English word pleasure. Below is a chart of how I calculated the happiness of moving in with my boyfriend. For example the …show more content…

This is known as the greatest happiness principle. He writes “by happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain and the privation of pleasure.” (114-115) For example moving in with my boyfriend will bring me a great deal of happiness knowing that I don’t have to get dropped off every night. Therefore Mills point is to strive for happiness the absences of pain is what is appealing. Kant’s argument is that one’s happiness doesn’t depend on the result of the fulfillment that one gets He writes “…moral worth of an action depends neither on the result expected from that action nor on the principle of action that has to borrow its motive from this expected result.” (102) For example living with my boyfriend shouldn’t depend on whether my level of happiness will increase or decrease if I chose to move in with him, but it should depend whether or not the decision is rational. Kant point is that we shouldn’t wait on a result of an action to find

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