Rake Rose's Lives On The Boundaries By Mike Rose

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The book Lives on the Boundaries by Mike Rose has been influential. He talks about his experiences and the multiple steps that were taken to get him where is currently. Through chapters one through three he describes his early life. He discusses traumatic events that ultimately helped him mature. Chapter four and five did not stray form this realm. “Why did Rose leave UCLA?” The reason Rose left UCLA was similar to the reason he left Loyola, he felt that he wasn’t moving on with his career. He stated on page 82-83 “I was coming to realize over the last few months that I had been skirting around a harsh truth: Though my introduction to social science was not without its moments, graduate work in academic psychology wouldn’t satisfy whatever …show more content…

He professes: “We set out to determine what a child knows in order to tailor instruction, but we frequently slot rather than shape, categorize rather than foster. And the poorer the kids are- the less power their parents have- the more likely are their chances of being, as Lillian put it, hurt about their intelligence.” This portion of the passage really stuck out to me for many reasons. In this part of the passage I am brought back to the beginning of the book when Rose, himself, was put on the remedial track because his file was misplaced with another individuals file; Rose’s parents had minimal education themselves, didn’t know what to say or do in the situation. If the test would have been used to tailor and shape, the teachers would have known that he wasn’t supposed to be on the vocational track. Also, this reminded me of the ACT and SAT testing, a common standardized test that is used for college acceptance. The American education system relies on the test to show the intelligence of a person when all the test accomplishes is how well a person can …show more content…

He took the initiative to get acquainted with his students the way that his professors got acquainted with him. He would make house visits and spend extra time with the children whom he thought needed more assistance, especially with a child named Harold. Mike Rose read Harold’s academic file two times to investigate how other teachers evaluated Harold and their time spent with him. All of the teachers kept referring to Harold to have slow progression through school and not having much of an attention span. Rose took it upon himself to figure out how to help him and get him to open up and progress through his literary tasks. On page 114 Roses says: “… the conflict between two visions: one of individual possibility and one of environmental limits and determination” Although Rose was not directly talking about Harold in this statement, I believe that this is a great sentence to reflect on. This statement means a tremendous amount throughout this chapter. This sentence, to me, proclaims the vision on what your actual possibilities are, are greatly affected by what others foresee your possibilities can/ should be. For example, in this text we are talking about Harold. Harold isn’t a dumb child, he can read and write, maybe not well, be he is able to perform those tasks. The test show that Harold is not capable to perform the tasks to the grade level approval, so he is dropped

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