Legalizing Marijuana

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In today’s society, countless people look for a feeling of being carefree. Some people go on vacation, others get drowned by alcohol, or even financial debt as there source of being lighthearted. However, the most common gateway for people is substance abuse. In the United States we are facing an ever growing drug problem; that is becoming an extremely notorious issue. In the United States it is said that there are 12.7 million illegal drug users and out of that 12.7 million that 10 million are casual users and the other 2.7 million are addicts. (Druglibrary, 2011) One of the most common drugs and that has been getting a lot of attention over the last 20 years is Marijuana. Marijuana is defined as a mind-altering substance produced from a plant with the scientific name Cannabis sativa. Marijuana is an illegal drug that is illegal in the United States. The drug has several short term and long term side effects which include memory loss, distorted perception, and difficulty in thinking and respiratory problems for the long haul. Nevertheless, according to scientific experiments, marijuana is identified to be favorable in medicine. The question is should marijuana be legalized?

Should marijuana be legalized? From a philosophical standpoint, people warrant the right to make decisions for them. The government merely has a right to put boundaries on these choices if the person’s actions jeopardize someone else. The person who chooses to use marijuana does so according to his or her own free will. The government may have a right to limit a person’s actions if he or she facades a momentous peril to the individual. Even though this case does not plausibly apply to marijuana because marijuana is far less precarious than some drugs w...

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... The drug was developed in the Office of Strategic Services in the early 1940’s in the labs at St. Elizabeths Hospital. The drug caused the involved party to be garrulous and liberated in his impartation of information. Although this process wasn’t in place long term; it was in fact used and helped in the process of information being leaked from one camp to the next.

Works Cited retrieved on April 11, 2011

Earleywine,Mitch., 2002 understanding MARIJUANA a new look at the scientific evidence. Oxford University Press

Gieringer Dale, Ph.D.Ed Rosenthal,Gregory T. Carter,M.D.,2008 Maijuana Medical Handbook Practical Guide to Therapeutic Uses of Marijuana; Quick Trading Company, Oakland California

Mack, Alison. 2001. Marijuana As Medicine? The Science Beyond the Controversy; National Academy of Press, Washington DC

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