Rhetorical Analysis Of Reagan's 'Address From The Brandenburg Gate'

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Reagan also goes on during the later portions of his speech to reiterate the fact that other countries that have accepted democracy are flourishing, “In the Philippines, in South and Central America, democracy has been given a rebirth. Throughout the Pacific, free markets are working miracle after miracle of economic growth. In the industrialized nations, a technological revolution is taking place” (Reagan par. 16). These claims were backed up by Reagan’s economic policies he promoted as president, which in short, focused around the key principles of reducing the growth of government spending, reducing the federal income tax, reducing government regulation, and reducing inflation. His experience in this area helped him speak fluently Every line that Reagan utters has purpose and is not put to waste, every line is used to convince the Germans to gravitate towards his cause of being more like the United States by embracing Western Democracy. Reagan is hopeful during his speech and wishes to see Berlin be triumphant and succeed once again as a nation, this is seen throughout the central theme of his speech as he urges the Germans take his advice and tear down the wall and let go of communist principles. Overall, Reagan’s argumentation during the, “Address from the Brandenburg Gate” was incredibly effective. His audience rallied behind his words as he spoke them, and that is exactly what he wanted. Also, Reagan’s speech was given right in the middle of a key time during efforts to end the Cold War. Reagan had established a relationship with Mikhail Gorbachev the current leader, of the Soviet Union and had recognized the change in the direction of the Soviet leadership under his rule. This relationship lead to Reagan making arms agreements with the Soviets with the intent to achieve a world without any nuclear weapons at all. Eventually Reagan and Gorbachev signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty at the White House, which eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons. Reagan also believed that if he could persuade the Soviets to allow for more democracy and free speech, this would lead to reform and the For instance, he doesn’t bring any data concerning technological advances in the West or the dwindling food supplies in communist countries. Reagan uses a lot of historical references, but doesn 't provide any solid data on the poor conditions in Russia or the scale of the success of the Japanese and West German economies. Bringing hard evidence concerning his different arguments could have made his speech much more convincing. Nevertheless, twenty-nine months after Reagan’s speech at the Brandenburg Gate, Gorbachev allowed the people of Berlin to take down the wall, ending the Soviet domination of Eastern Germany. After leaving the White House, Reagan returned to Germany in September 1990, just a few weeks before Germany was officially reunified and with a hammer he took several symbolic swings at a remaining chunk of the Berlin

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