Analysis Of The Lady With The Pet Dog

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Many face the moral question of doing what is right by society or by what is right according to their own moral code. The main characters of the short story “The Lady With The Pet Dog” by Anton Chekhov are forced to do just that. This short story describes a couple in the early 1900s in Russia. Its plot revolves around two people finding true love; the only complication is that they are both married. The same story is then rewritten by Joyce Carol Oates and it is given a modern twist. Both of these stories show how complicated and complex love can be. Most people would agree in saying that the original story, by Anton Chekhov, is the better story of the two. This can be shown through the analysis of both versions of the short stories in their theme of love, structure, and the different perspectives among each version.
Anton Chekhov is the original writer of the short story “The Lady With the Pet Dog” and embedded within its contents is the complicated theme of love. Throughout the story the reader sees that Gurov has finally found his true love but while he is already part of a loveless marriage. Most would think that finding true love would be a joyous occasion, but this passion for his lover, Anna, soon …show more content…

Though the writing of these two pieces are 73 years apart, Chekhov still holds onto the better story of the two. The theme of love is presented better, the structure is easier to read and has more of a fairy tale aspect that the reader can fully enjoy and finally the perspective of Gurov shows more of what is really going on in his and Anna’s hectic life of secrecy. With all of these points, “The Lady With the Pet Dog” cannot be written quite like the

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