Clitoris Case Study

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The lack of sexual arousal
Erection of the Clitoris is a psychological sign of sexual arousal. During erection the shaft of the clitoris becomes firmer, but the glans remains soft. The reason for this is that the shaft surrounds by a layer of tough connective tissue that restricts its expansion, whereas the glans is free to expand LaVay & Baldwin 2012. Usually, the glans of the clitoris is visible in the nonaroused (flaccid) state, but it may disappear under the clitoral hood during erection or with increasing sexual arousal, so sexual stimulation of the clitoris may occur through the hood rather than directly on the clitoral glans (or shaft). There 's quite a bit of variation from female to female regarding her clitoral anatomy and what kind of clitoral stimulation she finds arousing. The clitoris is more erotically sensitive in the erect than in the flaccid state LaVay & Baldwin, 2012. Mammary Gland (Breast) …show more content…

The majority of circumcisions performed in the United States happen after given birth. The procedure may subsist implemented at any age. Around 30% of men are circumcised ubiquitously (UNAIDS, 2007), Circumcisions is an ancient practice that likewise based on religious practice amid Jews, Muslims, low percentage of Christian (LaVay & Baldwin, 2012; Drain, et al., 2006). Ethnic cohort such as Polynesian and various parts of the Philippines engage in different procedures on the male penis. These methods encompass a slit along the top of a child foreskin around the time of puberty know as superincision. Superincision exposes the upper portion of the glans allowing the foreskin to sag beneath the glans; no tissue removed LaVay & Baldwin, 2012. Other cultures including Australian aborigines customarily create an incision near the base of the penis known as subincision. Exposing the urethra and allowing the glans and part of the shaft to flare outward, giving the penis a flat appearance LaVay & Baldwin,

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