Keeping Recess in Schools

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Schools all over the country are considering, if not already applying, the removal of recess for elementary school students. Having recess has scientifically proven to play a substantial part in the social development of a child, their physical health, and the amount of attention they pay in the classroom. For example the Tennessee Board of Education says, "It is the position of the NASPE that all elementary school children should be provided with at least one daily period of recess of at least 20 minutes on length" (National Association for Sports and Physical Education). Keeping recess in schools could help lower the childhood obesity rate, help children to be more attentive in class, and assist in the development of their much needed social skills. These aspects are essential to academic healthiness and to your child succeeding academically. Removing recess could cause a dramatic decline in the graduation rate in the U.S.

Keeping recess in schools has both its pros and cons. Along with the positive things presented by keeping recess there are also the things that prove to be negatives. One problem presented by keeping recess is that class time is cut shorter. Instructors are pressed to teach the lessons in a shorter amount of time. "Schools began cutting back recess in the late 1980's to allow more instructional time" (Jarret). Shorter instruction time means less time for the teachers to reiterate what has been taught that day. Another problem with recess is that if not properly supervised children can injure themselves or one another. Also, some children get bullied while on the playground.

Even though these problems exist, recess still has its positive aspects. "A daily break of 15 minutes or more in the school...

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...tes Statistics.” American Diabetes Association Home

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Jarret. Olga S. “Recess in Elementary School: What does the Research Say?” EricDigests.Org-

Providing Full-Text Access to EricDigests. n.p. 2003. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

Jarret, Olga S., and Sandra Waite-Stupiansky. “Recess- It’s Indispensible.” National Association

For the Education of Young Children./ NAEYC. Young Children, Sept. 2009. Web. 20

Nov. 2011.

National Association for Sports and Physical Education. “Recess for Elementary School

Students.” Tn.govt. n.p. May 2006. Web. 20 Nov. 2011

“Obesity and Overweight. Topics DNAO/ CDC.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

n.p. 12 Sept. 2011. Web. 28 Nov. 2011.

“Physical Education, Sports Teams, and Recess.” National Hemophilia Foundation. n.p. 2011.

Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

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