Capitalism And Alienation And The Exploitation Of Labor By Karl Marx

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When you hear the name Karl Marx (1818-1883), it is tempting to wonder and question why you should be studying him, considering that he’s been dead for over a hundred years already. This German philosopher had become one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. Marx’s ideas all come together and holds that human societies develop through class struggles, a conflict between the ruling classes (known as the bourgeoisie) that dominates over the working class (known as the proletariat). He was well known for studying the disputes that occur between different classes in society, also refer to as the ‘conflict theory.’ Through his theories of alienation, Marx argued that capitalism promoted the idea of inequality, commodification, and the exploitation of labor. The purpose of this paper is to view Marx’s concept of capitalism and alienation along with how it affects the workers. Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818, in Trier, Prussia. A well-known philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, and revolutionary that studied law at the University of Bonn. He then switched to philosophy and continued education at Berlin. Together with Friedrich Engels, Marx produced some of his major works ‘The German Ideology’ (1846), ‘The Communist Manifesto’ (1848), and ‘Das Capital’ (1867). Das Capital remains to be Marx’s greatest achievement, a powerful insight that …show more content…

Alienated labor takes away the meaning of life and that “life appears only as a means to life.” Living without creativity and only to subsist reduces humans to an animal-like status; they are alienated from the very things that distinguish them as humans” (Dillon, 2010, pg. 54). This can been vividly seen as the industrial revolution moved forward in society. Factory workers were very much alienated by their job. Below are some examples that correspond with Marx’s

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