Kant Good Will

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One of the first mature works on moral philosophy is Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals by Immanuel Kant. In this book, Kant explains his message and ideas by providing examples and proving himself throughout the entire book that morals are an important aspect in life as well as why they are expressing the principles behind this concept. Kant laid the fundamental principle of morality and shows how it applies to use as human beings. One thing that sets Kant apart is the amount of explanations that he brings into his book. Although Kant is considered to be one of the hardest philosophers to understand his way of thinking is very simple once broken down.

A concept on which Kant discusses in depth is the good will. Kant thinks that, with …show more content…

“A good will is not good because of what it effects or accomplishes—because of its fitness for attaining some proposed end: it is good through its willing alone—that is, good in itself” (Page 62). What I enjoy most about his discussion within good will is that it can go with everyday life. Although aspects of everyday life may be considered good in one individual’s eyes it does not mean that it is necessarily good for them or for anyone for that matter. Once you look further into something you realize that it comes out to be inferior. For example, the idea of wealth is great and if used correctly it can take people above and beyond in life allowing them to be successful but at the same time if wealth is in the wrong hands it can become corrupt and no longer a benefit to human society. This is all because every individual handles wealth differently. Some are thankful for it and use it in a good light making it good but others are tempted by it so much that they either throw it all away by gambling as an addiction to get more or they waste it doing things that are not good for their health …show more content…

This is a concept that one must act only according to that action in which he or she would will to become a universal law. This is a central focus for Kant’s work. A better way to understand this is to view it such as a way to evaluate motivations for actions. Basically all Kant wants from individuals is to act appropriate and just in certain situations rather than trying to avoid the consequences as if they do not matter. “That is to say, I ought never to act expect in such a way that I can also will that my maxim should become a universal law” (Page 69). This leads into Kant’s belief that there is pure reason something that he works on proving throughout this book. All Kant is focused on is establishing a foundation rather than disagreements between other philosophers. Kant shows difference throughout this book as he shows how he is different from Aristotle’s belief system. Aristotle focuses on finding happiness and establishing it no matter on what grounds because it is our end goal in life. Kant follows a different approach, as he is more interested into formal principles. For example, Kant views that cheating on your significant other is wrong due to the fact that it is more important to focus on the moral aspect and the consequences that you could receive rather than whether or not you will actually get away with it. Even if you were to do it and get away with it, it would still be wrong because it is not

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