Justification For The Subjugation Of Women In John Milton's Paradise Lost

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The justification for the subjugation of woman has been a hotly debated subject throughout the ages and several ideals and theories have arisen because of it. One of the most common justifications is the story of Adam and Eve, however like most biblical stories as well as many other translated texts, the story of Adam and Eve is up to interpretation. Two exemplary authors who have thoroughly interpreted the story of Man’s great sin have presented their own respectable views on Eve’s actions and helped broaden the views on feminism. The authors Speght and Milton present arguments against Eve’s failure as a justification for the subjugation of women. In Milton’s “Paradise Lost”, he doesn’t necessarily defend or blame Eve for the fall of mankind. …show more content…

Even though Adam willingly agreed to eat the fruit, it’s easy to see this incident was caused by Eve. In Speght’s “A Muzzle for Melastomus”, she takes a more defensive stance and defends Eve even though she agrees Eve was the first one to sin. Speght’s defense of Eve is based on the fact that Eve is everyone’s source of discrimination against woman, and she goes to great lengths to prove that Men and Woman are equal despite the faults of Eve. “The first promise that was made in paradise God made to woman, that by her seed should the serpents head be broken… that as the woman had been an occasion of sin, so should woman bring forth the savior from sin, which was in the fullness of time accomplished… so that by Eve’s blessed seed (as saint Paul affirms) it is brought to pass, ‘that male and female are all one in Christ Jesus’” (Pg. 1654). She argues that even though she was the first to sin, since Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ, our lord and savior, Eve cannot be held accountable for the subjugation of woman based on her sin. Additionally, Speght argues Adam and Eve were originally created equal in the eyes of god. “Yet was she not produced from Adam’s foot, to be his too low inferior, nor from his head to be his superior, but from his side, near his heart, to be his equal… By which words he makes their authority equal, and all creatures to be in subjection unto them both” (Pg. 1654-1655). It was always God’s intent for man and woman to be equal, so any discrimination against woman is discrimination against God’s intent as well. Eve also never had any bad intent or was aware of any danger. She actually felt happiness after eating the fruit, and thought she should share this happiness with her beloved Adam. “Yet in her giving of the fruit to eat she had no malicious intent toward him, but did therein show a desire to make her

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