Analysis Of Our America By Jose Marti

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In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the cultural and societal foundations were laid for the newly formed nations of the America. Both José Enrique Rodó and Jose Marti made large contributions to the development of Latin America through their literature. Both sought to improve and encourage the people of The America’s, however it is Jose Marti who truly succeeds in inspiring a national pride in his writing Our America. Jose Marti, a remarkable and revolutionary philosopher of the late nineteenth century, examines the keys to a successful future for Latin America. His focus is centered on Latin America and how the countries can improve themselves. His message is far more moving and positive. I instantly liked Marti because of his …show more content…

In his first paragraph, he states that, “Barricades of ideas are worth more than barricades of stone.” This shows that ideas can be stronger than force. which is why one of his main points is that America must rely on its own culture and ideas, rather than those of other countries. He provides actual evidence as to why the ideas of other nations are inadequate for The America’s. Marti’s quote, “How can the universities produce governors if not a single university in America teaches the rudiments of the art of government, the analysis of element peculiar to the people peoples of America?” is one example of how he supports his argument that only those with a deep understanding of America can properly govern America. Those who are educated in the ways of Europe or the United States cannot comprehend the needs of Latin American countries. Perhaps his greatest strength is that he compels his readers to take pride in their Latin American heritage. At one point in his essay he states, “…for there are no lands in which a man may take greater pride than in our long-suffering American

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