The Ideology Of Manifest Destiny

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The history of any great nation comes from a system of philosophies passed from generation to generation. Much is the same with America, whose history can be summed up through the ideology of Manifest Destiny. This ideology, which even though had been seen American history, had been properly coined in 1840 by New York journalist John L. O’Sullivan who believed that the United States had a “divinely appointed mission to occupy the entire North American continent.” O’Sullivan, as well as many other American’s had come to believe that the Americas were much more than a geographical space, and that America was no longer just a mere country. From this belief of American supremacy, American’s believed that no other country should have the right to settle in the Americas, deeming them too weak and/or too far away to properly rule the land. However, before O’Sullivan had properly coined the term “Manifest Destiny,” the idea had been blooming through the heads of Americans since Lewis and Clark’s exploration of Louisiana, and from the desire for settlers to own their own land …show more content…

This great push began due to the Americans now having control of the land west of the Appalachian Mountains, and the revolutionaries had promised soldiers who had served in the Continental Army their own property once the nation had won the war. As well as the soldiers who had wished to own their own land, more and more Americans had come to want to have the economic power that comes from owning property, from the ownership of the land to the resources that it may contain. As well as with the economic benefits that moving westward would grant the United States, “Manifest Destiny” had also found itself being used as a religious ideology, a political ideology, and a racist

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