Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Gun control has become a major topic of discussion in recent years in the United States. There are some people who believe that every person in the country should be able to own a firearm, and there are also those who believe that only military personnel and police officers should have firearms. Many people say that they do not care because it does not affect them, but it does affect them because if gun control laws get to be strict enough, then the people will have no way to defend themselves. The main reason why gun control is the death of the second amendment is that if the government controls what guns we can use, when we can use them, and how we can use them, they are controlling our right to bear arms. There are many proposed bills going …show more content…

The federal government first restricted gun ownership in 1927, when they passed a law that “banned the mailing of any firearm other than a shotgun or a rifle through the U.S. Postal service, except for firearms shipped for official law enforcement purposes.” This law banned the shipping of handguns and machine guns through the mail. It is still in effect today, and it led to some states regulating the sales of handguns. The people who supported this law eventually “tried to get a law passed forbidding the shipment of handguns across state lines by commercial carries, but they failed.” Between 1927 and 1968, there were few federal laws passed on firearm regulation, but the Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed. This act had two main provisions, the first one “required anyone dealing in firearms or ammunition-whether locally or across state lines-to be federally licensed under tough new standards and to keep records of all commercial gun sales. Title I also prohibited the interstate mail-order sale of all firearms and ammunition, the interstate sale of handguns generally, and the interstate sale of long guns, except under certain conditions.” A long gun is a gun that has a longer barrel than those in the same class as it and is specifically designed to be fired being braced against the shoulder; they are also referred to as shotguns or rifles. It also prohibited sales to minors and criminals, along with the importation of …show more content…

In 1994, there was a ban on semiautomatic weapons that got a politic,al win for people that want guns banned. But the law was a failure to reduce crime and injuries from firearms, as it was found it statistics in 1997 and 2004 when there was a “follow-up in 2004 concluded that the ban produced ‘No discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence.” These facts did not stop the activists that support anti-gun legislation though. “In late February and early March, the U.S. Senate started taking action on anti-gun legislation that includes a vastly expanded semi-auto and magazine ban, as well as a ban on private firearm transfers that set the stage for gun registration.” All of this began on March 7th, when the Senate Judiciary committee took the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 (S. 150), which was proposed by Senator Dianne Feinstein, and on March twelfth, when Senator Charles Schumer proposed the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2013 (S. 374). At the debate, police chief Edward Flynn and the U.S. Attorney for Colorado were asked by Senator Lindsey Graham if they knew how many murders were committed with rifles and how many prosecutions were filed when a criminal failed a background check while trying to buy a firearm. Neither of them knew the exact amount of murders by rifles, but Walsh admitted he did not file any prosecutions. Flynn tried to argue that prosecuting criminals who attempted to

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