The Importance Of Haya In Islam

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Islam is a way of life and has teachings that Muslims must follow. One of the teachings that is stressed for both men and women is Haya. The word Haya can be easily translated in English as modesty, shyness, and/or humility. Some people have the misconception that Haya is just for women and can be easily achieved by wearing a hijab, but it is not. Men and women are both required to follow this teaching and it is not easily attained. Many Muslim men seem to have the idea that Haya is only for females, but they seem to forget a moment from the prophet’s life where he “Passed by a man who was admonishing his brother regarding Haya and was saying, "You are very shy, and I am afraid that might harm you. “In response to this remark, Prophet Muhammad …show more content…

A man’s body must be covered from the navel to the knees. It should not look like the clothing worn by women. It should not be tight or see-through. A man is not allowed to wear garments made of silk, or jewelry made of gold. These types of embellishment are forbidden to men, but permitted for women. As you can see men and women have a dress code so that they may preserver part of their Haya. In Islamic States they take the certain aspect of concept Haya way too far. The concept that they enforce is the hijab for women to the point it seems oppressive. Women I these countries are required to wear the hijab and the burkas (a covering for the face and body). If they are seen in public without it, they face harsh punishments. Rules in Islam aren’t meant to be tyrannical or forced on anyone. Also, many leader in the Islamic State forget get is the rules for men and that Haya applies to both genders. The other aspect of Haya is behavior. This includes the way you talk and act. Having Haya in your behavior means that one will have respect for oneself and others. Also one would not draw attention to themselves. A Muslim wouldn’t use foul language, or put themselves in a situation where they would be alone with the opposite sex. A Muslim may use Haya in this aspect to prevent themselves from sinning when they are alone because a Muslim knows that Allah (God) is

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