The Bible: Is The Bible Parable True?

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Is the Bible true? This is a question I have asked myself as I have navigated my walk with Christ and learned more about my faith. Billy Graham once said, “Our faith is not dependent upon human knowledge and scientific advance, but upon the unmistakable message of the Word of God” (Bickel, 2003, p.15). In our world today, there are many different religions and each one professes their book to be the Word of God. The Koran claims to be a “revelation from Allah and seen as the Word of God” (Yohn, 2013). The Book of Mormon is believed to be “divinely inspired by God”, but both of these books contradict the Bible (Yohn, 2013). All of the information collected around how the Bible was developed, the people who wrote the scriptures and how …show more content…

“It is a compilation of 66 books written by 40 separate authors” from 3 different continents (Is The Bible True, 2002). These books are divided into the Old Testament, which has 39 books and the New Testament, which has 27 books. “Some books only have one writer receiving his revelation over a period of time” (Yohn, 2013). The links which connected these circumstances together can only come from one place, God. These links are, “inspiration, canonization and transmission” (Bickel, 2003, pp.22-23). Inspiration means to “breathe or blow into” (Bickel, 2003, p.23). God brought together all 40 writers and inspired each of them what to write. Canonization is the “process by which church leaders recognized individual books of the Bible as being inspired by God” (Bickel, 2003, p.24). This process helped to determine which books in the Bible were not inspired by God’s Word and which ones were. The final link is the transmission of God’s Word. Transmission is the method which took place to bring the Bible from its beginnings to what we have now. These three links connected together as one chain delivered the Bible from God to us. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (BibleGateway, …show more content…

Some forms of communication came through dreams, visions, direct dictation and even God’s voice. Dreams and visions are a theme throughout both the Old and New Testament. In Genesis 37:1-11, Joseph not only had dreams, but had the ability to interpret dreams. Nearly the entire book of Revelation is a vision by John. Abraham had a vision from God that he would have a son and be the father of many nations. Moses actually heard the voice of God in quite a strange way, a burning bush. God spoke to Moses in Exodus 3:10 and told him “I am send you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt” (BibleGateway, 1993). These communications were penned in various styles of writing to help mankind understand the scriptures. Each book speaks to us differently. The book of Psalms is musical, parables are used in the book of Proverbs and romance in the Songs of Song. Over the course of many years, the God inspired writers brought these many messages together in one place to create the

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