The Importance Of A Father

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Is one parent more important than the other? Many children in different cultures and spheres of the world deal with the absence of a parent. Primarily, it’s the father in most cultures. A father who lives elsewhere, but visits occasionally is known as a “boomerang father” (Hernandez 2016). Research shows that there is a correlation with depression and the absence of a father. Also it was shown with a 0.19% difference between the depression of girls of absent fathers (4.69%) during adolescent life and a boomerang father (4.50%). In society this would impact the daughters of fathers that are absent 100% of the time. A little time with your daughter is valuable time, as kids just want to be loved, and with an absent father, they feel as if part of their life is missing. …show more content…

To test this, researchers gathered information from 4,000 kids ranging from ages 18 and 19, with equal male and female ratio. When asked about their depression, it heavily varied between none to everyday symptoms. This was a valid method, but it would of been more credible if their were more statistics backing the conclusion. Everyone is different and it’s difficult to statistically categorize and measure this because the lifestyle of every person and the household they lived in are different. For example, a child could have been born when the mother was just sixteen and the father left, or a kid could have been born when the mother was 32 and the dad was absent. There is variation between these examples, so measuring the true impact of absent fathers is challenging. The bottom line is this; “‘All fathers matter’”(Hernandez 2016) and it makes sense that presence of parent can have positive effects. Being there for your child would make

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