Interviewing And Interviewer: The Definition Of Language And Language

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Interviewer: The first thing that I am curious about is the definition of text. My question to you is, when I say the word text, what comes to mind? Interviewee: Everything visually that you can see. Interviewer: Where were we, when I say the word text, what comes to mind? Interviewee: When I think of text, I think of anything visual that you can see. Words, signs, pictures and I just think it doesn’t have to be a book. I think it’s anything that you receive, any information you get, or anything that you receive that you process. Interviewer: Based on that and other things, how do you find text and why? Interviewee: For my classroom? Interviewer: Or in general, it doesn’t matter. Interviewee: Let me speak first for my classroom. I find text first based on my standards, because I am limited in terms of what I can sometimes show. I …show more content…

You teach language art, with your ESL, do you think you teach them language or content, with the text that you are using? Interviewee: Language, I would think. You have to have the language before you can teach the content. Interviewer: I agree. Interviewee: That doesn’t make sense, you are putting the horse before the cart, it has to be the language. Sometimes, text could be my facial expressions or social ques. A lot of that, that is not content, those are life skills. Interviewer: The next set of questions is related to technology and text. We know there is a digital initiative in this district, what exactly do the students get in the school, from the district, in terms of technology? Interviewee: Everyone has a 1:1 iPad. Some students don’t have the iPad because of breakage and their parents didn’t purchase insurance. They may have had it taken away because they were using improperly. Interviewer: So, what are those students doing if they don’t have it. Interviewee: They go to the desktop. Interviewer: Can the students take their iPads

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