Cause And Effects Of Internet Addiction

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As technology advances and becomes available to the public, the average person relies more on the newest efficiency and leaves behind the outdated advancements. Email, Facebook, and mobile phones replaced the need for the Pony Express and many face-to-face conversations. Consequently, people begin to lack the ability to write a formal letter or communicate well in person. In addition to the decline in a person’s ability to do tasks without depending on modern technologies, people become reliant on the speed and immediate satisfaction that the improvements provide. Studies show that people who use the internet often are at risk of developing an addiction, which can lead to depression, loneliness, and, in some cases, lower self-esteem. People …show more content…

The studies performed on internet usage do not argue that all internet use is unhealthy, however, the studies show that increased internet use leads to more “unconscious internet users” (Ayas & Horzum.283). When people are unable to control the amount of time spent on the internet, they disrupt their life in countless ways (Ayas & Horzum.284). Mental and physical health can be equally affected. This takes a toll on relationships and causes strife between friends and family, much like other addictions. Unfortunately, this addiction begins at a younger age, which led to the experiment performed by Assistant Professor Doctors Ayas and …show more content…

“During the workday, [he] checked [his] email more times than [he] cared to acknowledge, and spent far too much time hungrily searching for tidbits of new information about the presidential campaign, with the election then still more than a year away” (Schwartz). Schwartz, like many other internet users, became dependent upon the instant gratification that information found on the internet could provide him. He explains, “the brain’s craving for novelty, constant stimulation and immediate gratification creates something called a “compulsion loop.” Like lab rats and drug addicts, we need more and more to get the same effect” (Schwartz). Thus, without truly realizing it, Schwartz slowly started browsing the internet more, while his work level and cognitive skills

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