Internal Factors Affecting Human Resource Management

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Question 2:
As per “© Milpark Education (Pty) Ltd – Managing People MAPE01-5 14a” (Milpark study guide, n.d.:32)
Internal factors which impact human resources are as follows:
• Employee relations (Organisations policies and procedures):
A direct impact on human resource is when an organisation sets their policies and procedures up that promote internal recruitment first prior to external recruitment. This impact human resource management as this would mean that human resource would always need to ensure that all staff has received the relevant training and development and that a sufficient amount of staff will be available for a promotion when the time comes.
Human resource would need to always know when staff is eligible for retirement and then ensure that there is sufficient staff trained up with the necessary business knowledge to ensure the …show more content…

As per “© Milpark Education (Pty) Ltd – Managing People MAPE01-5 14a” (Milpark study guide, n.d.:75)
Below is a list and explanation of five internal factors:
• The level of cooperation between line and staff functions
• Whether top management is supportive
• The integration of strategic business plan
• The cost of training vs. the cost of sourcing trained staff
• The availability of trained staff
In my view the level of cooperation of line and staff functions is key in the planning process as this will cause delays in impact the progress towards achieving the business objectives.
If human resource has a plan in place and top management doesn’t buy into that plan and doesn’t support them then the plan will not be successful as human resource need the people to achieve their plans as they support the operation.
Having a strategic business plans provides all employees with direction within their role and allows for employees to be motivated as they know where they are

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