Macbeth Internal Conflict Essay

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Chris Perrin
Mr. Isaac
English I
20 May, 2015
Internal Conflicts of the Title Character in Macbeth
Internal conflicts of Macbeth were a main theme of the story, and his soliloquies gave insights on how these ideas encouraged his actions. Macbeth 's conscience raged wars within him, shown by how he said to Lady Macbeth, “Ere we will eat our meal in fear and sleep/In the affliction of these terrible dreams/That shake us nightly” (3.2.19-21). Macbeth 's ambitions also got in the way with his ability to make smart decisions. Ambitions were a key factor that led Macbeth to claim and lose the throne. The lack of these two character traits being demonstrated properly in Macbeth, who ultimately failed in the end, suggests that a proper balance of …show more content…

Macbeth said to his wife on the topic of the murder of the king, “To know my deed, 'twere best not know myself.”(2.2.87-88). Clearly, Macbeth is worried that he would carry a troubled state of mind if he decided that he should kill Duncan, especially in Macbeth 's own house, where Duncan was innocent of hate and expecting hospitality. In regards to being greeted at Macbeth 's castle, Duncan remarks, “This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air/Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself/Unto our gentle senses.” (1.6.1-3). This was likely a large factor that led him to say the quote in Act 2 Scene 2, lines 87-88, where Macbeth gave the audience a clear view that he carried a conscience that would be troubled if tainted with malicious acts. After Macbeth killed Duncan, Act 2 Scene 2 lines 40-44 and 51-52 recount how the victims of the murders in Macbeth 's seemed to be begging for mercy in their last seconds. These were the clear signs that Macbeth felt immediate guilt for killing, as he could still seem to hear his wrongdoing in his victims ' …show more content…

The soliloquy is also Macbeth 's first statement on his ideas of ambition for the throne. Although Macbeth acknowledged his ambitions in this soliloquy, he emphasized his need for following his conscience by deciding that killing Duncan would not be the necessary course of action to fulfill prophecy. Obviously, his conscience gave way when Lady Macbeth questioned his manliness, and this action shows that he had a conscience that functioned strongly when alone, but when combined with outside factors could be easily swayed. This explains why Macbeth was able to appear without conscience during the killing of Banquo, later. Macbeth notes in a soliloquy, “Our fears in Banquo/Stick deep; and in his royalty of nature/Reigns that which would be fear 'd”(3.1.52-54). The quote shows that Macbeth 's fear of Banquo rising to power leads him to abandon his traditional ways of consulting his conscience for guidance, but rather he decides to hire murderers to end Banquo. Ambition to keep the throne is also displayed in the quote. The vision given to Macbeth by the witches said that Banquo 's sons would take the throne from Macbeth, and Macbeth 's fear for losing power and his ambition to keep it combined together to create a force that Macbeth 's conscience submitted

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