Comparing Story Of An Hour And The Interlopers

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Comparison Between “Story of an Hour” and “The Interlopers” Some stories are so different that you would say they can’t be similar in anyway. I beg to differ. The short story, ‘The Interlopers’ and the short story, ‘Story of an Hour’, each relate to each other. ‘The Interlopers’ tell the story of two rivals who hate each other with a passion, getting trapped together and eventually overcoming their hate for each other, only for the story to end with them dying. ‘Story of an Hour’ tells a story of a woman who hears news that her husband is dead, she overcomes this news and tells herself she’s free, but when she finds out her husband is in fact, not dead, and dies out of excitement. Each of the tell a different story and have many differences, then again, each also have many similarities. …show more content…

Some of the terms could be, foreshadowing, imagery, irony, etc. These terms help define certain features of the story. In ‘The Interlopers’ this story contains imagery while also having irony. While there are similar things in ‘Story of an Hour’, this story contains foreshadowing. They each contain imagery and irony, but the other story contains another term that hints to what will happen, foreshadowing. This term is easily seen in the story, it’s tells us in the first sentence of the story. “Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. (Chopin, Pg. 1)” This leads the readers to believe that Mrs. Mallard may have something go wrong with her heart in the story. Foreshadowing is just one of the many things that is told to us in the story. The two stories each possess main characters. In the first story, ‘The Interlopers’, our mains characters are Ulrich and Georg. In the other story, ‘Story of an Hour’ the main

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