Veterans Mental Issues: Mental Health And Health Care

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Veterans have manifested significant mental or behavioral health issues and in turn, health care services have been set to respond to their needs through educating community health care providers to work with veterans, service members and their families. As Zeiss & Karlin (2008) demonstrates, health care system has partnered with national organizations, health services, resources administration and other major mental projects that target the veterans to ensure effective services to mental health concerns. There are many inter-professional roles geared towards veterans due to their wide-range of mental issues including physicians, psychologists, social workers, substance abuse professionals, licensed counselors, public health workers, therapists related to marriage and family issues, nurses, chaplains, law enforcement and occupational therapists. In the course of this discussion, the way veterans mental issues has been addressed will be constricted to nursing setting to describe the scope, severity, behavioral health issues and responses among veterans. In nursing care setting, there nursing skills are required to deal with veterans’ mental health. The process of identifying the prevailing mental health conditions and how to make interventions matters a lot in order to ensure full recovery. My desire for care had been long-established from childhood through schooling and now in the placement I found it useful and applicable in veterans’ case. In addition, I have developed awareness of mental health issues in respect to psychological problems throughout my course and I faced the need to use such skills in interventions to reassure veterans’ recovery. Nurses have effectively attended to veterans’ mental and behavioral issues. For ... ... middle of paper ... ...e who have misused drugs and alcohol significantly require support and more care even though they comprise of a small portion of the veterans with mental problems. What we actually did when placed in vet centers was to promote the veterans to assess their own needs as well as development of a plan to meet the needs. As Brancu, Straits-Tröster & Kudler (2011) points out; Individual veterans are informed about different choices for available care and support. As a professional, a nurse is regulated by wide-range of ethical consideration to ensure that the veteran’s patients are treated with respect and dignity. In turn, we were to ensure veteran autonomy in determining what to confide about and what to conceal. Confidentiality and privacy is another most important ethical aspect I found to be a consideration to avoid private information spilling to unintended persons.

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