information age

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In this information age we have so many opportunity’s to create documents and files via electronic media. For instance how many e-mails do you send, receive, or have waiting in your in-box? How many of those files are vitally important to your job or even to your everyday life? Living in the digital age requires more than for us to just write a letter, we must know how our computer works in order to script the e-mail and send it. We do not simply sit down at a desk with a sheet of paper and a pen and put ideas into words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs. We create a “doc,” assign a sub-folder, give it a title, and then we save the doc and rewrite it multiple times before actually using it. Entire books and biography’s that have been written about famous historical persons have been based off of letters and personal correspondence of these individuals with their family’s, peers, and colleagues. These documents allowed the author to have a view into the life and personality of the person they were writing the book about. How many of your personal emails do you save? How many separate email accounts do you have? And where is all this information backed up? Is it floating around in space or in “the cloud”? No, there are massive data warehouses of information. And everyday in the news you read more about how giant internet servers are being put into place for internet giants like Google, or Yahoo, or Face Book Yes there is a need to archive historical data for future generations of our youth. But who decides what information to store? Where will this information be stored at? At what cost to the consumer or even the tax payer? How will this affect the ease of use and access to the millions of internet users that are out there tod... ... middle of paper ... ...ds are what enables the host site to charge for the ad space, thus funding their ability to upgrade their systems so as to provide you with what you were searching for more efficiently(Shulman). In Conclusion, Humans have the inalienable right to access to information and knowledge. Digitizing historical documents and information and making it available to everyone is the only way our society will continue to thrive. With today’s technological advancement we can digitize all the old books, recordings, and media of the past in ever smaller and smaller files. These systems are built with accessibility in mind and are able to bring you what you need right now at the click of a button instead of fumbling around with a card index system, trying to find a single book in a library of millions of books, only to find out the information you seek is not printed in those pages.

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