Influences Shaping Parenting Styles: A Documentary Analysis

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Explain 2 significant influences on parents and / or carers in the documentary. (Textbook Page 233-­241) A influence that has implicated the practices of the parents/carers within the documentary is the previous experience in which individuals have faced with their parents growing up. A parent or carers previous experience and upbringing can impact the decisions that they make as parents themselves, whether they use these experiences as a tools to help them bring up their child or if they choose to discard certain aspects of their upbring, which consisted of negative experiences such as domestic violence, which was an experience that Susan had faced in her childhood. Her negative relationship with her mother in particular had put Susan in a difficult place, yet she was able to take these experience and turn them into something that would allow her own daughter to be brought up by her other grandmother, as she was accepting of the fact that she was incapable of bringing her up herself due to her disability, …show more content…

For instance, Robert and his family were significantly impacted by the opinion of others i public, as younger members of society would often taunt Robert with mean comments about his disability, yet Roberts strong and assertive response toward them has exposed his family to a positive outlook on interpreting these comments, which had a strong influence on his and Julie. Critically examine how a range of rights and responsibilities contribute to wellbeing of the parent or child. (Textbook 242­-247) A vast range of rights and responsibilities have contributed to the wellbeing of both parents and children within the documentary. Examples include legal decisions, the duty of care and Disciplinary implements as well as setting

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