My Uncle's Punishment In My Life Of Sisyphus

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When I think of Sisyphus and start comparing him to people in my life one person that stands out is my uncle Jessie. In his younger years my uncle lived his life as he pleased, and that led to him spending several years in prison. After he was released from prison, he started a family. There are not too many prestigious careers that an unskilled felon can acquire, so my uncle Jessie became a welder at a local fabrication company. Instead of having a normal nine-to-five, forty-hour a week job he works seventy-two hours Monday thru Saturday. This job allows him to provide for and be close to his family, that is the only motivation for maintaining a job he hates. On my uncle’s one day off, his attention it devoted to his two kids and wife. Sisyphus roamed the Earth as he pleased disobediently against the gods’ wishes and was punished for it. My uncle also roamed the Earth, as he pleased, against the laws of society, as a result he was sentenced to ten years in prison. Some people might say that he got off lucky considering Sisyphus’s punishment. I would have to argue that my uncle’s punishment is on the same level as Sisyphus’s. Jessie stared at a cell wall, while going through the same routine daily, and once he got out of jail, he obtained the only job he could that, yet it is just as miserable and consist of the same daily routine. …show more content…

The same is true for my uncle Jessie. He works hard all week and that is an uphill climb, but once that boulder topples over the peak, then he has an entire day of rest and relaxation with his family on that downhill walk. The same could be said for any individual, I know in my own life I have struggled through the week just to get to the weekend. Can a person wrestle with the frustration of life for the majority of a week to just have one day to unwind and be happy with their

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