The Influence of George Frideric Handel on Music

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Over time, the world has seen many outstanding musicians, and so much fantastic music. Each highly remembered composer or musician changed the way we think and see the world. They give us new ideas, and music is a wonderful way to convey moods and emotions. Each also slightly changed music itself. Handel was one of the greatest of these people. He was a superior composer who largely influenced and expanded music.
George Frideric Handel was born in Germany, but found his future in England as a composer. Stanley states that: “Handel was by training and temperament a composer… Like Mozart he possessed in the highest degree the supreme attributes of the musical dramatist” (105-106). The surprising thing is Handel was not raised to be a musician. His father had wanted Handel to become a lawyer. He graduated Halle in law, 1702, to satisfy his father’s wish. He did this even though he was intent on music (Lang 20). One day years before, when his father brought him to visit the courts, a duke heard him playing the organ and asked his father to train him in music. Handel’s father still wanted him to study law, but now young Handel started getting different ideas. After graduating, he traveled to Italy and studied music for a while. After learning what he could from Italian music, Handel left in search of a place where he could expand his music (Lang 106). He soon found England to be what he needed. There he could grow into a musician. He had the people and resources to become a virtuoso.
Handel was able to write amazing things, and reach, as well as make a bridge between, multiple kinds of people with his music.
The lifelong habit of improvisation was linked with Handel’s method of composition. He was a rapid worke...

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...uch as English-written Operas. Handel was also able to transform the music of others. He tremendously helped England in its musical reputation. “Although the world has changed, as have theatres, performers, and audiences, the appreciation of Handel’s operas has come full circle” (Parker). He truly was an outstanding musician.

Works Cited
Lang, Paul Henry. George Frideric Handel. New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc, 1966. Print.
Langlois, Jeffrey B Langlois, Geej. “Bach and Handel: Their Influence on future generations.” Music Anthology. N. p. 21, January, 2008. Web. 14 Feb. 2014.
Parker, Mary Ann. “Reception of Handel Operas, Then and Now.” University of Toronto Quarterly 72.4 (2003): 850-857. Academic Search Premire. Web. 5 Feb. 2014.
Stanley, Sadie Ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1980. Volume 8. Print.

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