Marine Accountability Importance

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Importance of Accountability Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines accountability as: “the quality or state of being accountable; especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one 's actions. Accountability is one the most important aspects in the military and civilian life style. Holding Marines accountable for their actions and having every Marine and piece of gear assigned to you accounted for is required at all times. It ensures the safety and stability of all the Marines. Supervisors, running a company, need to have 100% accountability of their employees. This is so that if someone else asks about a certain employee, the supervisor can give an accurate record of when the employee came in, where they can be found, and when their shift ends. …show more content…

You must be able to reach them in a timely manner, in case the plan of the day has changed. The Marine Corps cannot function without its most important tool, the MARINES. One of the smallest and most important aspects of being Marines, being where you are supposed to be and doing what you are supposed to be doing. If your leadership is unaware that you are doing these things then they are to assume you are not completing the task assigned or never made it to the required event. As Marines we are designed to be a force in readiness, able to deploy and execute missions within a limited time frame. Getting an entire unit up and ready to deploy requires a lot of moving parts which make communication and accountability on all levels important. Formations and gear inspections have become so ingrained in the USMC culture because you need to have the proper personal and equipment to complete the mission. Without the proper personnel in the proper place at the proper time the Marine Corps as a whole cannot

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