How Texting Has Changed Over Time

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There are many issues with technology and what texting has developed into. Not only with children and teenagers but with adults as well. The number of cell phones owned by people ages 13 and over went from 9 million in 2007 to over 63 million in 2010 then it skyrocketed to over 144 million people in 2012 according to Forbes. The average number of text messages sent just within the United States went from 14 billion in the year 2000 to 188 billion in 2013 according to Pew Institute Survey. You can see with these facts how out of control and how big of an issue texting is continuously growing into. Students are routinely sending hundreds of text messages per day. Writing and grammar has changed drastically for the worse since texting has …show more content…

Psychologists do believe this ongoing issue is leading to anxiety, distraction in the classroom, falling grades, repetitive stress injury and sleep deprivation. It is even causing a loss of interpersonal skills in young people. Studies are showing that children ranging from age 5 to their early 20’s who were raised with technology feared interaction with others, some of the children who were studied became so accustomed to “talking” with their parents via text messaging that talking by phone was more of a connection and took more effort than they wanted to put forth. All of this information backs up Psychologist, Sherry Turkle, who is the director of the Innovative Technology and Self at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She states texting is “causing a shift in the way adolescents develop”. She has been studying this for 3 years now. Sherry Turkle believes that having a conversation with another person teaches kids to, in effect, have a conversation with themselves causing them to think, reason and self …show more content…

Texting and driving is just as bad as drinking and driving. Cell phones are causing teens to be distracted while driving as texting is the preferred method of communication with their friends. 43 percent of teenagers admit to texting while driving but they are not seeing their parents set a good example to follow. 41 percent of kids say they see their parents texting while driving too. Teens always have to know what is going on and tend to feel anxious when they are out of the loop. Nothing is going to change this whether they are behind the wheel of the car or not. Just like you have a designated driver when you have been drinking you can do the same and have a designated texter if there is just something so important that cannot wait until you can get off of the road. Texting has also changed how parents are raising their children. Mothers are often too busy on their cell phones to give their children their full undivided attention. Parents also tend to tune their children out and become unaware of their behavior even if they are running wild. Even the emergency rooms have seen an increase in non-fatal injuries caused by the lack parenting and not having close

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