Impact of Globalization on Terrorism

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Globalization is affecting most everything in the world today by mixing cultures, beliefs, people, and ideas together in the melting pot of society. Since terrorism has taken the impact of globalization it is leaving the world in a war of terror and a desperate effort to unite against the growing terrorist groups. After the numerous, tragic world wide events stemmed by terrorism such as: 9/11, bombing of the London subway, and the Beslan school hostage crisis, the world has vastly changed its’ mentality of dealing with the future. The globe is forced to unite against an emerging threat, and is conjointly cutting funding for terrorism through decreasing various purchases of oil and other items from organizations aiding terrorist groups such as illegal drug traders. Alongside with diminishing financial resources for the terrorist groups, the allied regions are working against countries that continue to harbor terrorists and provide them with their land as a safe haven by uniting against the terrorist sheltering countries. The nations working against terrorism, especially the United States of America, are reforming security in airports of passengers and cargo, also enhancing technology to detect bomb like substances, guns, and nuclear/radiological items in airport cargo, airport passengers, world trade, sea containers, and all other possible entries of weaponry for terroristic attacks. The goal for ending terrorism and the war on terror is to cut away terrorists’ necessary needs, unite nations against them, prohibit the harboring of terrorists in enemy countries, and to be a step ahead in security to prevent further terroristic attacks.
Terrorism is not a profitable organization and is therefore dependent on income through illegal...

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