Immigration and Emigration

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Thesis: With the recent uproar from citizens home and abroad about the Arizona bill, there clearly needs to be some resolution to prevent further illegal immigrants from invading our country. There are over 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. With the recent uproar from citizens home and abroad concerning the Arizona bill, there clearly needs to be some resolution to prevent further illegal immigrants from invading our country. There also needs to be mandates to address the over 11 million illegal immigrants that are here stealing our valuable resources. Although we are all descendants of immigrants, with the exception of Native Americans, immigration has been a major source of population growth throughout the history of the United States. As it stands today it's an enormous burden on our weakening economy, especially in our southern states where a majority of immigrants flee. Illegal immigrants pose collateral damage to the welfare of our society and infrastructure. Which includes an overwhelming population growth for the already overcrowded public school system, increased welfare cost and overloaded emergency rooms that have to deliver anchor babies and a host of other medical conditions that tax our emergency rooms.“ Immigration hard-liners describe a wave of migrants stepping across the border in the advance stages of pregnancy to have what are dismissively called anchor babies (p. 2 para 8). "... Since the mid-1960s, America has welcomed nearly 30 million legal immigrants and received perhaps another 15 million illegals, numbers unprecedented in our history. These immigrants have picked our fruit, cleaned our homes, cut our grass, worked in our factories, and washed our cars. But they have also crowd... ... middle of paper ... ...creased welfare cost. Which uses our resources and tax dollars that are meant for Americans. The true beneficiaries of illegal immigrants are businesses who take advantage of their willingness to work for cheap and often times under the table. Cheap labor is a gigantic price to pay for America's job stability. It will become counter-productive to our economy and entire infrastructure. Are you willing to give up America to the immigrants? Works Cited "Immigration and Emigration." The New York Times. 27 Jan. 2011. Web. 8 Mar. 2011. . Malanga, Steven. "How Unskilled Immigrants Hurt Our Economy by Steven Malanga, City Journal Summer 2006." City Journal. City Journal. Summer 2006. Web. 08 Mar. 2011. .

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