It Was A Risky Decision

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It was a risky decision, choosing to venture from the safety of his chambers to seek out Eliana if meant he could at least speak with her. When he 'd knocked on her door, he hadn 't expected her to let him in willingly, neither had he known she would welcome him without insult... and neither did he know he would recite he usual confession of his love for her.

And neither did it please Eiana to hear it again.

"I am not yours to love." She drew in a deep breath, if wanted to retain any control, but also not wanting to risk shouting again because it would surely disturb Alaric who was sleeping in his cradle. "You cannot say that to me anymore."

Jaime stepped towards her then."I am from one of the most powerful houses in all of Westeros, I could have your marriage dissolved and then you could marry me like you meant to." His hand found her own as he curled his fingers around it, as if willing her to believe him. "We can be married..."

It took her a few seconds to react before she pushed him away from her, glancing at him as though he 'd sprouted a second head and stepping back just a little further. "Now you 're just being plain stupid." She accused with a shake of head. "You cannot dissolve my marriage, Jaime... as much as you 'd like to think you could, it would never happen."

Jaime smirked, much to Eliana 's disdain. "Of course I can, Lia, I 'm a Lannister... my father 's the most powerful man in all of Westeros, if it concerns legacy, he 'll drop everything."

She shook her head once more. "I won 't let you do such a thing, to steal me from my husband and my family? You already caused one war which left my father dead, my brothers dead... and you 're already willing to cause another?"


But she would have none of it....

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...ric needed to hear before he settled back down, snuggling further into his father 's chest while Oberyn 's eyes trailed to Jaime. "You 're still here?" He pressed with silent fury, titling his head in confusion at the still man before him.

Jaime looked like he was going to argue with Oberyn, tell him he wasn 't prepared to leave because he didn 't like his company. But he didn 't and instead have Eliana a soft look followed by a nod before he turned on his heel and retreated towards the door where he soon fled the room.

Eliana waited until she heard the door shut behind the man before she let out a sigh she 'd been holding back for a long while and ran a hand over her face in her agitation. "The futility of men will never cease to infuriate me." She glanced at her husband, who had arched an eyebrow at her words which only annoyed her further. "You know what I mean."

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