Why I Want To Be A Pharmacist

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In approximately one and a half years, pharmacy school is going to consume my life; therefore, it is a good idea to beginning planning what specific goals I am working toward. From the Pathways exercises, I realized what I hope for from my future career. I began to contemplate my values and my preferences. By doing this research on potential careers, I began to feel a sense of control over my future. While completing the Pathways exercises, I focused on my personal beliefs and interests. My number one priority is my family, and it comes before my career in my eyes. Patient contact, my ability to help people, and the continuity of relationships were three other aspects that I ranked high in the evaluation. On the other hand, I ranked supervision of a business and entrepreneurial opportunities considerably low because running my own business is not in my interest at all. I would also prefer a career that does not require additional training or an advanced degree. I believe I will have gone through enough schooling already; however, I would be willing to do a residency. Additionally, I ranked research and problem-solving factors low because I would rather focus on direct patient …show more content…

The majority of my matches were familiar, and a good number of them are fields that I have already considered for myself. Long-term care/geriatric, independent community, and chain community pharmacy are fields that I know a considerable amount about already. A few of the other fields I was matched with, such as mail service pharmacy, ambulatory care pharmacy, and clinical specialist pharmacy, still do not fully make sense in my head. I would need to complete additional, extensive research into those fields before I made the concrete decision to pursue them. However, I decided to research outpatient health system pharmacy, office-based medication management, and government/federal pharmacy because I understand even less concerning those three

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