How to Overcome a Fear of Change

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“Thought processes and relationship dynamics are fundamental if change is to be successful.” (Lynco Assoc.) People fear change because it pushes them out of their comfort zone. One of the greatest fears in the world is the fear of the unknown. Although fear can create a large amount of energy in a person, you can choose to use that energy in a positive manner and take control of the situation. Focus on your convictions; be confident in your abilities and be proud of the work that you do. Do not allow insecurities to damage your focus. Only you can set your moral compass.

Make an effort to see change as an opportunity to grow in a different direction and develop new strengths and insights regardless of external influences.

Although it is easier to react negatively and feel inadequate and to listen to negative comments from others, you have the power to change your perspective and so will your attitude change. Your new attitude will become contagious and you will have a positive influence on those around you (Richard. n.d.).

Trust is earned by those who demonstrate consi...

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